The last laugh.


For whom the bell tolls…

Photo by Kerri Shaver on Unsplash

My feet have taken me far.
My home a blip in fading Time.
Heart callused more than feet.
Yet, more brittle than the shards walked upon.

Oh, those that have robbed me of breath.
My eyes the receding waves —
Recede do they into the darkness lying within.

A laugh…
Ages since those creases went up my face.
Those sparkling teeth worn by gritting —
Are but futile in incessant quibbling.

Its over…
The pail is empthy.
The milk strewn over my blotted life —
Anticipating the final savor.

The bell tolls.
Trickles out does the last drop.
The strewn milk dries in winds of Time —
Leaving behind only the empty pail.

Join The Power of Poetry. 💚 Franz Kafka // Choice: The Silent Power

